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From the moment I first learned about the #SwimAroundKeppel from a friend, I knew I was sold on the idea. As an avid fan of tropical islands, it perfectly aligned with my love for the water. Further, with my milestone birthday fast approaching, there was no better way to complete my #6B460 challenge, which I began in 2021: to complete six Marathon Open Water Swims

A new year, a new challenge for me. After many months of training and preparation, last Wednesday in the wee hours of the morning (1:30am) I jumped off the back of Val Kalmikovs' boat Meow from New Norfolk (Tasmania) to swim 34kms down the Derwent River – the Derwent River Big Swim. My goal was to swim over 34km and experience the many swimming wonders

The Derwent River 'Big Swim' wasn’t really on my radar. I knew Val Kalmikovs was running a new support service with his boat 'Meow' but the thought of an early start into a long river swim ending at Hobart didn’t have the same appeal as some of the more well-known world ocean swims. Unfortunately I was behind on my training thanks to a bout of Covid, and

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