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About Us

keppel islands swimming association

Two-time Olympian for Latvia, Val Kalmikovs has been coaching swimmers since the early 90’s in Russia, Latvia, the USA and Australia. An experienced marathon swimmer, Val is also an exceptional pilot assisting swimmers on the Derwent River Big Swim. The event organiser of Swim Around Keppel, Cliff to Bridge and Warm Water Camps in the Keppels, Val is the founder of the Keppel Islands Swimming Association. Known for his hair, he’s just an avid lover of the water.

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aqualification & fitness

Australian Representative Joy Symons has over 30 years of international experience in the aquatic industry. From learn to swim to coaching, Joy is an avid teacher/coach of technique and helping swimmers understand the science of swimming. Joy has completed multiple marathon swims but also enjoys ice swimming having completed an official ice mile. With a passion for the arts, she continues to find ways to combine her artistic abilities with swimming and water safety.

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Vlad Mravec runs the Vladswim program in Sydney, covering all swimming levels from stroke correction to a 2-hour intensive squad session. In 1995 he became a swim coach by successfully completing a Master’s Degree at the University of Physical Education of Sport for Swimming. Vlad provides interesting and effective pool and ocean swim sessions covering all intensity levels and skills to help swimmers achieve their long-distance goals and plan for specific endurance swim events.

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The Two Grants
Yoga & Massage

Grant Wolf and Grant King have each been qualified professional masseurs for a decade or so, currently operating from their beachside home at Bangalee on the Capricorn Coast. They use a combination of Sports, Remedial, Kahuna, Shiatsu and Therapeutic massage techniques to create unique, health-enforcing and healing experiences on the table. They are excited to be offering yoga and massage sessions at this year's Warm Water Camps on Great Keppel Island in June, July & October.

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Sports Dietitian

Christie Robson is an Accredited Sports Dietitian and Age Group Australian representative Triathlete, racing in every triathlon distance from enticer to full Ironman Triathlon. She has been working with marathon swimmers for the past 5 years, supporting over 100 successful swimmers worldwide. Christie works solely online and has a passion for creating unique and personalised nutrition plans, for both training and events. She offers a range of packages so you can be your personal best.

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